Thermal-hydraulics analysis for VVR-KN fuel lead test using PLTEMP code

Ho Nguyen Thanh Vinh1, Le Vinh Vinh 1, Nguyen Nhi Dien1, Nguyen Kien Cuong1, Huynh Ton Nghiem1, Tran Quoc Duong 1, Nguyen Tien Vu1
1 Nuclear Research Institute, 01 Nguyen Tu Luc Street, Dalat, Vietnam

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VVR-KN is one of the low-enriched fuel types to be considered for a new research reactor (RR) of a Centre for Nuclear Energy Science and Technology (CNEST) of Vietnam. This fuel type was qualified by a lead test carried out with three fuel assemblies (FAs) in 6-MWt WWR-K research reactor at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kazakhstan. VVR-KN fuel was then used for conversion of the WWR-K reactor core from highly-enriched to low-enriched uranium fuel and the reactor was successfully commissioned in September 2016. PLTEMP is a thermal-hydraulic code with plate and coaxial tube models that seems to be suitable for VVR-KN fuel type. Before using PLTEMP code for thermal-hydraulics analysis of the new RR, a calculation for code validation was performed based on the data of the VVR-KN fuel lead test. First, MCNP5 code was used to calculate the power distribution of WWR-K reactor core with lead test fuel assemblies (LTAs) at the core center. Then, thermal-hydraulics parameters of the LTAs were obtained by using PLTEMP code together with calculated data of the power distribution and the lead test conditions. A comparison between the analytic results and the lead test data was made to confirm the suitability of PLTEMP code for thermal-hydraulics analysis of VVR-KN fuel under forced convection and downward flow conditions.

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