Nuclear Science and Technology (NST) is an international journal of the Vietnam Atomic Energy Society (VAES) and Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM), quarterly publishes articles related to theory and application of nuclear science and technology. All papers and technical notes will be refereed.
It is understood that the paper has been neither published nor currently submitted for publication elsewhere. The copyright of all published papers and notes will be transferred in VAES.

NST coves all fields of nuclear science and technology for peaceful utilization of nuclear energy and radiation. Authors should choose one of the following fields at the time they submit their manuscript:

1) Nuclear Physics 11) Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture
2) Nuclear Data 12) Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy
3) Reactor Physics 13) Nuclear Techniques in Industries
4) Thermal Hydraulics 14) Environment Radioactivity
5) Nuclear Safety 15) Isotope Hydrology
6) Nuclear I&C 16) Nuclear Analytical Methods
7) Nuclear Fuel and Materials 17) Health Physics
8) Radioactive Waste Management 18) Fusion and Laser Technology
9) Radiation Protection 19) Nuclear Security
10) Radiation Technology 20) Nuclear Safeguards