Using Factor Analysis To Find Source Atmospheric Pollution By Moss Technique

Tien Doan1, Trinh Thi Thu My2, Le Hong Khiem3, Marina V.Frontasyeva2, Nguyen An Son4, Trinh Manh Hung5, Do Van Dung6, Vo Tan Thong6, Ha Xuan Vinh6
1 s:72:"Nhatrang Institute of Technology Research and Application, VAST, Vietnam";
2 Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
3 Institute of Physics,VAST, Vietnam
4 Dalat University
5 Air Force Officer's College
6 Nhatrang Institute of Technology Research and Application, VAST, Vietnam

Main Article Content


The aim of this investigation was to apply the moss biomonitoring technique using Barbula Indica moss and factor analysis to evaluate the possible sources of atmospheric pollution in the Thua Thien Hue province. The Barbula Indica moss samples were collected at sixteen sites in the areas of Thua Thien Hue province, the central Vietnam. The concentrations of thirty elements in the collected Barbula Indica moss samples were determined by neutron activation analyses at the reactor IBR-2 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russian Federation. Factor analysis has been applied to the obtained concentrations to reveal the possible pollution sources. Rotated factor loadings suggested three factors, that could explained more than 84% of variability. Additionally, factor scores were calculated, that confirmed the presence of pollution sources in the corresponding sites.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Trinh Thi Thu My, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Dubna, Russia

Marina V.Frontasyeva, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Dubna, Russia

Nguyen An Son, Dalat University


Trinh Manh Hung, Air Force Officer's College

Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa – Viet Nam

Do Van Dung, Nhatrang Institute of Technology Research and Application, VAST, Vietnam


Vo Tan Thong, Nhatrang Institute of Technology Research and Application, VAST, Vietnam


Ha Xuan Vinh, Nhatrang Institute of Technology Research and Application, VAST, Vietnam



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