Verification of TVS-2006 fuel rod design of VVER-AES2006 reactor under steady-state operating condition Using FRAPCON-3.5 code

Dinh Van Chien1
1 Vietnam Atomic Energy Agency, 113 Tran Duy Hung, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam

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The purpose of this paper is to discuss the independent verification of TVS-2006 fuel rod design used in VVER-AES2006 reactor (Novovoronezh NPP-2 Power, Unit 1), based on the acceptance criteria and the reference data given in the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report of the State Research, Design, Construction and Survey Institute “Atomenergoproekt” (PSAR) and the operation of VVER-1000 reactor. The calculations were performed using FRAPCON-3.5 code, including fuel temperature, cladding temperature, fission gas release, internal gas pressure, cladding stress and strain, fuel extension, fuel rod elongation, cladding creep rate, fuel swelling rate, cladding oxide thickness and hydrogen concentration. The results are compared with the calculated data using START-3 code in PSAR and the acceptance criteria required by Russian nuclear regulatory body. Despite some discrepancies, the results showed conformance with the calculated data given in the PSAR and meet the acceptance criteria.

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